Reusable Ice Packs, Cold & Hot Pack Wraps For Knee, Ankle, Shoulder

Check out our range of reusable ice packs and hot packs from Mueller. We stock three different types which will cover most eventualities – a basic ice/hot pack, a small ice/hot pack sleeve and a large ice/hot pack wrap.
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Reusable Ice Pack, Hot & Cold Pack Wrap Australia

Hot and cold therapy is a simple non-invasive solution to relieving pain caused by muscle and joint problems. Often used for RICE treatment. We stock three different types which will cover most eventualities – a small ice disc from Neo G, a medium ice pack sleeve and a variety of reusable ice pack wraps for joints. See which one suits your needs best.

Hot and cold therapy for muscle and joint pain is not only non-invasive, it also takes away the need for pain killers. We stock the ice pack for knee, ice pack for ankle or foot, ice pack for shoulder, ice pack for wrist or elbow and even an ice pack for wisdom teeth from Polar Ice. The therapy wraps contain an ice pack which can be wrapped around whichever joint is causing the problem.

Hot and cold therapy has been used as an effective treatment of arthritis, pulled muscles and inflammation for many years. It is an accepted practice that ice therapy should be used for acute injuries and their associated pain and inflammation, and hot therapy should be used for muscle pain and stiffness.

Hot therapy works by increasing the blood flow and circulation to the affected area. This, in turn, relaxes and helps to soothe damaged muscle and promotes tissue healing. Hot therapy shouldn’t be used on open wounds, or areas of the body that are swollen or bruised. Hot therapy is generally used for old injuries, while cold therapy is used for new injuries.

Cold therapy works in completely the opposite way to hot therapy by reducing the blood flow to the affected area. This helps reduce the inflammation and swelling and can lessen nerve activity which will relieve pain.